• 3285 North Henry Blvd., Stockbridge, GA 30281
  • For more inquiries, Call us today! 678-782-5072
Big group of happy friends stands on sunset backdrop with raised arms together


Our vision is to respond to the spiritual and social needs of the youth within our church and community by providing relevant instruction, programs, activities, and events that will allow them to fulfil their God-given purpose.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Youth Ministry of JCCI-Redemption Chapel is to establish a foundation for building Christian character, morals, values and behaviors in young people ages 12 to 18; by using creative and innovative methods to excite, inspire, capture and ignite young people for Jesus. Our goal is to enable young people to understand and recognize who Jesus is and what it is to live for Him.

Our mission will be guided by the following core values:

  • Invest our time, to love, pray and mentor them in the way of the Lord.
  • Instruct them by teaching and equipping them with the tools needed to grow spiritually, morally and socially in ways that creatively engage their hearts and minds leading to a healthy and productive living.
  • Inspire them to fulfil their God-given purpose by helping them to model their lives after Jesus Christ and by challenging them to be the best they can be in every area of their lives.
  • Ignite them with a burning passion for Christ by creating opportunities for them to worship, serve, minister to the needy, and evangelize which will prepare them for future service to God and society, life’s challenges, healthy relationships, and leadership.

We shall:

  • Encourage the Youth to know and follow Jesus Christ.
  • Engage the Youth to grow in relationship with Christ through discipleship and community outreaches.
  • Empower the Youth to go and live out their purpose as they serve and reach others for Christ locally and globally.

By providing:

  • A safe, loving, caring and wholesome atmosphere for young people to thrive.
  • Helping young people become formed in their faith through a variety of worship experiences that help young people connect with God and one another.
  • The means for young people to develop their spiritual and individual prayer life.
  • Assistance for young people in developing values, ethical norms, and a sense of Christian community through interaction with adults who authentically model the Christian faith.
  • Activities (games, sports, waterfront activities, crafts, etc.) which involve fun and the building of sense of worth.
  • Opportunities for service in the Church such as broadcasting live audio and video to the worship center and internet.